Wednesday, April 13, 2022

For the day that's in it . . .


Hot Cross Buns made today for Spy Wednesday. Are we the only country to call it Spy Wednesday? I'm not even sure why we call it that. Anyway HCB's are traditionally made at this time of the year - normally Ash Wednesday, Spy Wednesday and Good Friday. I'm not at all religious but there is a Faustian element that brings me back to childhood.

There are lots of recipes out there, this one has evolved for me.


500g strong bread flour

1 tsp salt

75g caster sugar

300ml milk 

50g butter, soft

7g sachet fast-action or easy-blend yeast

1 egg , beaten

100g mixed fruit

zest 1/2 orange

1 apple , peeled grated

1 tsp ground cinnamon

1. Make a dough with everything but the fruit. Cover in bowl  with cling film and allow to double in size - An hour-ish. Then stretch and fold a few times, Repeat this a few times then cover in the fridge overnight.

2. The following morning add the fruit and knead in well. Some bits may fall out but stick with it. Separate into about 15 pieces and do your best to get them into tight 'rounds. Place them on a line baking tray and cover to allow to double.

3. Crosses - 75g flour and some water. In a small bowl mix flour and water until you have a paste like a thickish paint. Pipe crosses.

4. Bake at 200 degrees for less than 20 minutes.

5. Make a stock syrup (100g sugar, 50g water, boiled and cooled). Paint this on the buns as soon as they come out of the oven. Enjoy.

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